free course: 4 Steps to Conquer Creative Blocks

Sharing is Caring

As we continue our conversation about the power of the creative process, unlocking the potential of “how” we do what we do, I want to expand on last week’s quotes from creatives to talk about the value of drawing inspiration from others.  More specifically, we’re going to dig into how you can best learn from fellow artists, how you can share your process so others can learn from you and how to stay open to embracing change in order to find your own best process.

I’m going to start by repeating something I said last week.  I wouldn’t say it again unless it was really important – I promise, it is.  Are you ready? No two creative processes are the same.  You can absolutely try things that work for others, but you have to remember that it’s okay if someone else’s bread and butter just does not work for you.  It might.  It might not.   You might find a way to tweak it to work for you.  You might swear it off forever.  Just as we’re all individuals, so are our methods.  All of our processes are going to look different, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t draw inspiration and ideas from people we admire.  Do you follow any creators you admire on social media? Do you know any offline? Reach out and learn as much as you can from them.  What are some lessons they’ve learned that they can pass on to you? What kinds of tips and tricks can you take from them? Not only will this kind of exchange help you learn, but it will also help grow your network and community. Your process might end up being a combination of 10 different people’s processes and you know what? That is totally fine!  Ultimately you will find the perfect compilation of things that works just right for you.

Now what do you do when you’ve finally honed in on a process that works? How do you give back to the community that helped inspire your creative process?  You pay it forward by sharing YOUR process, of course!  Help others discover the best way to do what they do and be there as a resourceful, guiding hand for them. I see it all the time, brilliantly creative people who hide their knowledge and resources from others because they think that’s what they have to do.  WRONG!  Don’t ever be afraid to share what you’ve learned – you have no idea how your methods could potentially inspire someone else!  Leverage the social media presence we built last month and put yourself out there.  Engage with your audience.  Take them behind the scenes.  We cover a lot of different creative topics here, but it’s no coincidence that they all come back to the community. Life is meant to be lived and shared with others. As humans, we need companionship. We crave company. As a creative, it can be easy to deprive yourself of human interaction because you get so lost in your work. This is a gentle reminder to let others in.  Bring them along.

Even if you think no one is watching, you never know who might benefit from what you share.

The last bit of advice for this week is big. It’s also something that no one likes to hear, but it’s important, so I will say it: sometimes change is necessary.   It’s human nature to fall into patterns of behavior.  It’s no big deal when those patterns or habits are working well for us.  But if they’re not, for whatever reason, we have to be willing to shake things up in order to improve.  Don’t be afraid to change parts of your process that don’t continue to serve you. You might change daily to fit new needs and new projects or you might change things with the seasons. You don’t have to be tied down to one very specific process, even if it feels comfortable. Familiarity breeds comfort, but if it’s not working for you, it can also stunt your growth.  Feeling restricted can put a huge damper on your motivation and creativity. If you are already feeling stuck in life, maybe in a career that doesn’t light you up and isn’t YOU, I can help. Imagine feeling challenged but SO INSPIRED to keep going because you’re working towards your dream. How amazing would that be…My 1:1 coaching program is for creative people that feel stuck in their soul-sucking corporate role, fearful of stepping into their true creative calling. We start with a 90-minute onboarding and strategy call leading to three months of bi-weekly, supportive, depressurizing Zoom calls with direct access to me between sessions. We end with follow-up session notes and resources. If you resonate with this and want to take the leap towards channeling your creativity, feel free to reach out to me and we can talk about next steps!

I want you to make sure that you are drawing inspiration from others this week.  Make a note to reach out to someone who inspires you and ask them if they’d be willing to give you some pointers on the process.  Set some time aside to share what’s working well for you with a friend, a colleague or your social media following.  Take a look at your process and be honest about what might need tweaking.  Maybe you can try something new.  Whether you’re ready to start working with me or you’re comfortable on your own, make sure you remember the value to be found in sharing.  Let me know what questions you have in the comments!

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