And just like that, it’s JUNE. Weren’t we just kicking off 2021? Time is flying. Wherever you are in the world, wherever you are in your creative journey, I hope this year is treating you well and you’re finding yourself inspired, productive and motivated. Speaking of… we’re dedicating this month to talking about the curious creature that is Motivation. How to find it. How to keep it. It really is an enigma. Have you ever been absolutely KILLING IT and then suddenly you can’t be bothered? It’s so frustrating, right? But when you’re the primary driver of your creative output, you know it’s hard to stay motivated 24/7/365. It can be really disheartening to feel like we’ve lost all of our momentum. So, how do we get and stay motivated when it feels impossible? What surprising things might be affecting our creative energy levels? I have tons of great content to share with you this month. Get ready to be motivated and inspired!

Before we dig in, I want to tell you a little secret. It’s going to sound like a weird thing to say before talking about how to stay internally driven to be productive but hear me out: we’re not supposed to be running full speed every second of our lives. Earlier this year, we talked about how downtime can seem counterproductive. For some of us, it’s really hard to carve out. But there’s a reason that motivation is so elusive. It’s because we’re wired to need breaks. It’s part of the human experience. We’re meant to rest, to slow down, to stop and smell the roses every now and then. So, I challenge you to lean into that this month. If you find yourself unmotivated, go with it. See where it leads. You might be surprised.
That said, it’s not sustainable to linger in the land of the lost for long periods of time and I get that. We all love a quick fix, right? Sometimes that’s all we need. Here are some of my favorite easy ways to jumpstart your motivation and get back on track:
· Eat a great breakfast: Pretty self-explanatory, huh? Treat yourself to your favorite breakfast or an extra healthy breakfast. Something that will get you excited to get out of bed and start your day.
· Drink a whole glass of water: Believe it or not, sometimes we’re just dehydrated when we think we’re lost in lack of motivation.
· Go outside: Nature heals everything. Go sit outside for 10 minutes (or however much time you have). Get some sun on your face. Feel the breeze. I promise, you will come back to your work feeling rejuvenated.
· Turn on a podcast: There are loads of inspiring and motivational podcasts out there. They might spark something in you that really gets you going.
· Revisit your “WHY”: What inspired you to start this creative project in the first place? Take a minute to remember your initial “why”.· Join me in being Bravely Original: My custom-tailored, 1-on-1 coaching program. Sometimes we just need a little support. Check out my website to learn more about how I can help you get and stay motivated in your creative journey!
The likelihood that one of these quick fixes jolts you back into an upward trajectory is high, but sometimes the fix isn’t so easy. What if you try them all and you’re still struggling? First of all, take a deep breath and hear me say this with the utmost sincerity: please don’t be hard on yourself; you’re not broken. We ALL have these periods of lull, times where we just aren’t firing on all cylinders, and I PROMISE, it is normal and it is only temporary. Give yourself the patience and grace that you give to others. Your body is telling you to take a break. Your job is to listen! Find something else to focus on for a while. Work on a hobby that you love. Plant a new flower in your garden. Make yourself your favorite drink. Watch TV or YouTube – guilt free. Don’t stress! Focus on healing yourself. Look inside and see if you can determine what you’re feeling and why you feel that way. Did you overwork yourself? Do you have a cold? Listen to your body and don’t push yourself past your limits. Take the time to check off little things from your to-do list like responding to those Facebook DMs you’ve been putting off or finally trying that face mask you bought months ago. Maybe this is a sign to start scheduling better breaks for yourself. Use this weekend as a time for rest and rejuvenation.
Breaks really are okay! Intentional breaks are, in my opinion, better than the ones we find ourselves needing when we ignore our bodies and push ourselves too hard. Make it your choice to take a break, to rest, to do something outside the realm of your creative work. I wouldn’t suggest walking away if you’re feeling really inspired, but I think we all know when those juices are starting to fizzle. Instead of pushing yourself to keep going when you aren’t all in, try taking a break and seeing where it leads. Use one of my simple tips for kick-starting your motivation when you’re ready to get back into it. And if all else fails and you find yourself in a sea of frustration, struggling to find your port in the storm – send me a message and I will help light the beacon that brings you back.