Be Inspired

Have you ever sat down to create and literally not a single thing comes to mind? Everything just goes blank. Pencil tapping, staring out the window, humming to yourself. You wait for something to come to you and it just doesn’t? I have been talking about lack of inspiration on my social media lately (find […]
Rest, Reset, Reflect, Repeat

As the Bravely Original blog continues to grow and we explore topics all across the creative space, I’ve noticed a particular theme keeps popping up. So many things I choose to cover here somehow link back to our fundamental human need for rest. Isn’t that interesting? I’ve thought about it a lot over the past […]
How to Overcome a Creative Motivational Slump

When it comes to motivation, there are two things we tend to focus on: how to find it and how to keep it. This week, continuing our discussion on the ever-elusive mystery that is motivation, we’re going to talk about both of those points – how we can summon back lost creativity and how to […]
Motivation Station

And just like that, it’s JUNE. Weren’t we just kicking off 2021? Time is flying. Wherever you are in the world, wherever you are in your creative journey, I hope this year is treating you well and you’re finding yourself inspired, productive and motivated. Speaking of… we’re dedicating this month to talking about the curious […]
It’s All About Consistency

How is your creative process looking? Has the work we’ve done this month got you feeling more confident in yourself and your creativity? We’ve spent the past few weeks overcoming the misconceptions and excuses around the creative process, looking at other artists’ creative processes, and molding our own. Today I want to talk about how […]
Sharing is Caring

As we continue our conversation about the power of the creative process, unlocking the potential of “how” we do what we do, I want to expand on last week’s quotes from creatives to talk about the value of drawing inspiration from others. More specifically, we’re going to dig into how you can best learn from […]
Let Inspiration Guide You

I’m dedicating the month of May to honing in on our own unique creative processes, otherwise known as the “how” of what we do. Last week, I gave you a few tips for how to demystify yours and really make it work for you. Today, I’m going to let you in on one of my […]
It’s A Process

Happy May! April showers bring May flowers… and the chance to demystify your creative process. We’re spring cleaning together this month, but it’s going to be so much more fun than dusting behind your furniture. We’re going to talk all about accepting the responsibility of a creative process, looking at examples, and owning our individual […]
The Dreaded Question: “What do you do?”

April has been all about putting ourselves out there. We’ve worked through how we feel about being seen, we’ve built social media accounts to share our work with the world and we’ve talked about the best ways to make those accounts work for us. To end the month, I want to talk about putting ourselves […]
3 Social Media Keys to Success

So, did you do it? Is your social media platform up and running? If you said yes, FANTASTIC. I’m so proud of you for taking the first step toward putting yourself out there. (If you said no, go back and read last week’s post – I promise, you. can. do. this. Send me a message […]