Happy New Year, friends! Now that the ball has dropped and the champagne has fizzled, it’s time to say an enthusiastic goodbye to 2020 and look ahead to the coming year.

Let’s talk goals. I think we can all agree that brainstorming our goals tends to be easy. Coming up with an action plan and actually following through with accomplishing goals? Those can be two very different things. As we sit down and look at the calendar with twelve months of creative possibilities ahead, I want to talk about goal setting in a more specific way. I hope to empower us as creatives to determine what our goals are for the year and develop a plan of action that best fits us and our needs.
As we sit down and look at the calendar with twelve months of creative possibilities ahead, I want to talk about goal setting in a more specific way.
One thing I have found extremely helpful when honing in on my goals is to think about my life in terms of categories. A few that I am always sure to include are:
1. Creativity
2. Career
3. Spirituality
4. Relationships
5. Health
I like to brainstorm goals that fit into each area of my life so I have space to create and maintain balance as much as I can.
If you try planning and organizing your goals this way, you have the opportunity to set yourself up for so much growth, in each category and in your life as a whole.
Now, what should you do once you’ve narrowed down your categories? Of course, it is time to journal! When I’m setting my goals, brainstorming, or just looking to get some feelings off my chest, journaling is a consistent comfort for me. I love the feeling of grabbing my favorite pen (Hello purple Energel pen by Pentel! ), snuggling up in a cozy corner and writing about whatever is on my mind at the moment. It’s one of the only times I am really alone with my thoughts, focused and fully present. I encourage you to try journaling about each of the categories you’re looking to focus on in the coming year.
For anyone out there thinking “that’s not really my thing” – fear not! I understand that writing this way isn’t for everyone and that’s okay. I thought of a few alternatives that might be a better fit for you. Maybe you can experiment with video or voice journaling. You might be more comfortable typing ideas out on your laptop. You could write a song! Don’t feel pressured to journal in the conventional way if it doesn’t work for you. Get creative and find a way that does. If words in general are just not your thing, try a more visual approach. Draw. Paint. Create a mind map. Make a vision board. Whatever means you find yourself drawn to in the moment, do that. The best results will come from following your instincts.
Whatever means you find yourself drawn to in the moment, do that. The best results will come from following your instincts.
Once you’ve categorized and you’ve brainstormed, what’s next? In my previous blog post, I talk about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I’m a firm believer in how important that is for us, as creatives and as humans in general, so I am going to challenge you. Consider how you can immerse yourself in more forms of art this year. Are there different mediums you’ve always wanted to try? Do you want to explore more art museums or galleries around your city? Should you audition for a musical, just for fun? Promise me you will make time for it this year.
Because it’s so important to me and because I believe in how powerful it can be, I talk a lot about journaling in my coaching sessions. If you are interested in learning more about coaching, schedule a free call with me, and let’s see how we can work together to unleash your creativity. In the meantime, I encourage you to take the time to do some categorizing and follow your muse toward whatever journaling method feels right to you this January. Dedicate this time to yourself now so that you can make the most of this year. Here’s to you and to all of the possibilities that lie ahead!