Are you ready to put yourself out there? Say it with me: YES! I AM READY.
Last week, we reflected on how we feel about sharing our work and today, armed with that self-awareness, we are going to get started! I want to talk about the power of social media when it comes to showing the world what you are all about. In this day and age, there are SO many ways to share your work and get seen. The power of the internet cannot be overstated, ESPECIALLY if you are a creative. Think about how many people see an art piece in a museum. Around 5,500 people visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in one month. In that same amount of time, over 1 billion people visit Instagram. Yeah – I said BILLION… with a B. And while having your work featured at the Met is obviously a great achievement, having the courage to share your work on social media is a big deal too – maybe it doesn’t have the same prestige, but it does have a great potential for reach. Of course, there are pros and cons to putting yourself out there in such a big way. You are opening yourself up to the possibility of a lot of feedback, both good and bad. While feedback can be beneficial, not everyone is kind in their delivery. But ultimately, the good always outweighs the bad and it will be worth a few remarks to find people who love and support you and your art.

Once you decide you’re ready for social media, what should you do first?
Think about which platform best suits you and your work. How do you pick the right one? Consider your medium, your intended audience, and your commitment level. If multiple platforms fit your medium, then think about your target audience. Younger generations are mostly on Instagram and TikTok. Older generations tend to gravitate towards Facebook or Twitter. Everyone is on YouTube. Well, maybe not everyone, but it’s probably the most age-neutral platform since it’s full of educational and entertaining content.
Pick a platform and start playing with it!
See what features it has and try to find a creative like yourself on the app. Let yourself be inspired by other creatives as you begin building your social media presence! Look at what they share and how they share it. What types of posts will serve you best? There are so many options when it comes to sharing your content. Will you post static pictures of your work onto your grid? What about behind-the-scenes reels or stories on Instagram? Maybe a YouTube video explaining your process would generate interest. Whatever you decide in terms of content sharing, make your point of view and niche as an artist clear. If it’s not clear, people won’t be able to associate you with anything specific and won’t know what to go to your page for. To get started, brainstorm anything and everything that you want to share. Organize those thoughts into categories. Maybe you’ll share Tips on Tuesdays or Freestyle on Fridays. Make it fun for yourself and I promise, others will find it fun too.
While we’re on the subject of finding a niche and setting yourself apart, it feels like a good time to remind you to embrace your quirks! I know I talk about this A LOT but that’s because it’s so important, especially when you’re starting to build your brand on social media. Quirks are so fun and it just feels great to let go and be YOURSELF. Many people make the mistake of thinking their quirks will drive people away, but in actuality, they are what draw people in. You’ll find other quirky people to be your quirky self with and quirky situations to get your cute quirky butt into.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to do this? Decide which platform you’re going to use to share your art with the world and set up an account. Take some time to brainstorm content and plan it out so you don’t feel like you’re struggling with what you want to share. Then, get posting! Don’t be afraid to get personal and show people the artist behind the art. Be YOU, quirks and all. Be prepared for feedback of all kinds, but don’t let the negative outweigh the positive. I am already so excited for you. Please let me know what social media platform you’re on and your handle so that I can give you a follow!