Today I want to talk about time: how we can use it to best enable our processes and prevent the abstractness of it from creating illusions that inhibit our abilities.

Let me start with a confession: I tend to rush to complete things. Taking my time feels tied to my self-worth. My mind tells me that if I’m not in a constant state of action, I’m somehow not living up to my potential. Objectively, I know that’s not the truth at all. Being busy is not synonymous with being productive. Like a hamster on a wheel, you can be constantly moving without actually going anywhere.
One of the most helpful ways I have found to combat the illusions of time is being able to distinguish between the types.
The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos refers to chronological or sequential time, while Kairos signifies a proper or opportune time for action. I find the distinction of Chronos and Kairos to be helpful in everyday life.
By consciously inserting myself into one or the other, I can influence the way I interpret my time. During my workday, if I’m having a hard time moving from a creative task into a deadline-driven administrative one, simply being aware of the fact that I’m moving from Kairos to Chronos can ease the transition. The distinction also helps me to better understand my own reactions when I get frustrated about time. Try using time to your advantage and don’t let it keep you from getting things done. Staying mindful of your time and how you use it will bring you success and peace of mind throughout your entire life.
It’s easy to feel like you’re not worthy, though, when you aren’t reaching your goals quickly, especially when you’re seeing others achieve theirs. I know you already know this, but I will say it anyway because it’s important: no one should compare themselves to anyone else. Comparison is the thief of joy. Get out of Chronos! Remind yourself that it’s not a race. Your chapter 3 isn’t any less valuable than their chapter 23. The most opportune time, the Kairos, for your own success is right now, so embrace that and take your time. Enjoy the day to day, learn from yourself and how you work, and take small steps to success. After all, every step brings you closer to your goals, no matter how big or small it may be.
Earlier I mentioned how I have a personal tendency to rush to get things done. My YouTube channel is a perfect example of that. It was something I was working toward for what felt like forever and ultimately, it took an entire year to finally be born. I can hardly explain how frustrating that was for my Chronos focused brain. I was so ready to get it started, eager to cross it off my to-do list and start using it regularly. Looking back, though, I’m so glad I waited because the timing wasn’t right. Today I’m in a much better place to create and share my content on that platform. It’s the perfect Kairos for me. If I had rushed launching the channel, it probably wouldn’t have evolved the way it has and it might have become more of a burden than a joy. It can be so easy to get caught up in wanting everything to happen NOW but, more often than not, taking a step back and trusting your own timing will help things come to fruition.
Planning is important but you must also learn to trust yourself and your process, allowing your plan to change if needed. Nothing in life is absolutely certain, and we can never really “plan” for everything. Even if we do have a plan, oftentimes things will change in the moment. Chronos and Kairos work in tandem, and while neither is more important than the other, the cadence and demands of daily life tend to create the illusion that Chronos is superior. Try to embrace change, as challenging as it may be, because sometimes, when we are able to forego our plan, we end up making room for better things. We allow endless opportunities to greet us and pave the way toward something amazing – toward the opportune time, toward the Kairos.
In the spirit of Kairos, I’d love to invite you to join my new FB Group, Bravely Original! Some really exciting things are in the works over there, like my launch of The Brave Space, a space for intentional co-working led by me. It’ll be 60 minutes of gentle accountability where we all get work done. I would love for you to be a part of it!