Happy New Year! Now What?

Happy New Year, friends!  Now that the ball has dropped and the champagne has fizzled, it’s time to say an enthusiastic goodbye to 2020 and look ahead to the coming year.  Let’s talk goals.  I think we can all agree that brainstorming our goals tends to be easy. Coming up with an action plan and […]

Following Joy Into 2021

As the year continues to wind down and we finish our journeys of self-reflection, it’s time to start turning toward the future. 2021, what will you have in store for us? I’m such a huge believer in self-reflection because it helps me find clarity in my future plans. Whatever your hopes and dreams for the […]

4 Questions to Help Creatives Reflect on the Past Year

As the end of the year creeps up on us, I’ve found myself doing a lot of self-reflecting, especially after the crazy year we just had.  A lot of what I had planned for this year was either cut short or didn’t happen at all, leading to some disappointment, some relief and a seemingly constant […]

3 Ways Boundaries Help Creatives

Ah, the holiday season is upon us!  Such a wonderfully joyful time, but also a tricky season to navigate.  We constantly have a million things on our minds and there can be tremendous anxiety to show our friends and family our best selves. And I know this holiday season in particular may be even tougher […]

Inspired Gifts for Creatives

Everyone likes to give a gift that gets a “WOW!” Sometimes finding one can be a challenge, especially when the recipient is someone as unique as the gift. Whether you’re looking to give an acquaintance something thoughtful or surprise someone special with a gift they’ll really love, I’ve put together a few of my favorite […]

Bravely Original

I Am Me.This strange sentence has become a guiding beacon for me over time. I am me. What does that even mean? I first came across this odd little sentence in a voice class in my acting program a few years ago. We were taught to hum 3 notes on the syllables “huh-huh-maaah” as we […]

Swinging Between Two States and Who I Serve

As a business owner, you’re supposed to pick a niche and to figure out exactly who you serve. For that exercise I came up with 2 people I affectionately named Madison and Ian. Madison is a professional with a capital P! She is driven, a perfectionist, in control and structured. She has finally admitted to […]

Follow Your Joy: Find Your Flavor of Creativity

Creativity; it can feel so elusive. At times, when you need it most, it’s almost like it’s hiding from you. You call out for it but, the longer you do, the further away it seems. If that’s not frustrating, I don’t know what is. I want to make it clear that I’ve walked a mile […]