I’ve Got Your Back

I’ve dedicated the month of March to recognizing our needs and making sure that meeting them is a priority.  Now I want to shift gears ever so slightly and talk about needs on a larger scale, meaning that in addition to being aware of our own needs, we need to remember that the creatives in […]

What do you NEED?

When is the last time you really thought about what you need?  Being attuned to what you need is one of the keys to success as an artist.   This month, I want to focus on taking the time to recognize what it is we each need and ensure we have a plan in place […]

Believe In Your Infinite Potential

I have something to say. I am enough. I bring something unique to the table. My work matters. I have said it before and I’ll say it again.  Actually, I really can’t say it enough.  Those of us who answer creativity’s call know that making a living through our art has its ups and downs.  […]

All In Good Time

Today I want to talk about time: how we can use it to best enable our processes and prevent the abstractness of it from creating illusions that inhibit our abilities. Let me start with a confession: I tend to rush to complete things. Taking my time feels tied to my self-worth.  My mind tells me […]

Love Your True Colors Challenge: Reflection

And that’s a wrap on the Love Your True Colors Challenge!  Thank you so much to everyone who participated.  I had a great time working alongside you all this week, looking inward and giving ourselves the gift of self-love.  I am so grateful that so many of you decided to join the challenge and that […]

Love Your True Colors Challenge

I am so excited to introduce the “Love Your True Colors Challenge”, starting tomorrow and continuing throughout the week. In my last post, I talked about how I plan to spend the “month of love” focusing on self-love and how I want you to join me.  My personal rebrand of February is what sparked the […]

Love Is In The Air

Hello February! It’s officially the “month of love” but I will be honest: I’m not big on Valentine’s Day. I have always found it a bit contrived. This year, though, I decided to use the spirit of love that comes with this season and apply it in a way that feels more authentic and I […]

Time to Take Action

In December we set some goals and throughout January, we’ve been adjusting, revising and getting really clear on those goals. Now it’s time to solidify an action plan, envision the year ahead and take the opportunity to plan out your path for success!  There are many questions to ask yourself, a lot of months to […]

Stay Creative All Year With These 8 Tools

Paintbrushes.  Vocal exercises.  Camera lenses.  Every creative, regardless of medium, has tools that are essential in bringing their inspiration to life.  Without these tools, their work would cease to exist.  The same can be said for our personal tools, the things that help us stay clear on our goals and keep us in touch with […]

Just Take The First Step

Last week, we dove deep into the process of goal-setting and finding the method that works best for you. Now that we’ve honed in on our goals, it’s time to focus on creating a plan to help us achieve them. When embarking on the journey toward accomplishing a new goal, it can be tempting to […]